I'd rather be heard...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kindness is Not Weakness

When I was in elementary school I used to sometimes hide my book fair packets and read them over and over. I did this because I loved books and knew my mom would buy me a bunch. I didn't want her to waste her money on that. Once we had a book fair at the same time as the bake sale. Mom knew and sent me to school with a check to buy a few. A girl in my class (Kristin) was crying because her mom wouldn't give her any money for anything and she wanted a cupcake. I used the money mom gave me to buy the entire box of cupcakes, gave her a couple, and started handing them out. I bought enough for my entire grade but didn't get one myself. I used the remaining 50 cents to buy a bookmark. I was really worried about what my mom would say since I used the money for something else. When the teacher told her what I did I was really nervous. I just couldn't stand seeing someone cry over a cupcake when I had the power to change that. I don't think anyone even thanked me, actually. For the longest time whenever my mom told that story to close friends and laughed I was so embarrassed. I felt like I showed weakness and that was scary. Now that I look back I've decided not to be embarrassed. Kindness is not weakness, it is strength. Being selfless isn't a flaw, it's courage. I share this with you today so that you know that I'm kind, not a pushover. There is a difference. Don't think you can get anything out of me, but know that if you really need something I will never avert my eyes and ignore you. I've never been that type of person. I won't be ashamed of a soft heart any longer.

P.S. I always placed first in spelling and the prize was a free book. Karma.

Let's Change the Internet

I am so tired of loading literally any page on the internet and seeing complete and utter trash. People don't know each other anymore. All they know is which celebrities are fighting, in rehab, or getting paid way too much to not care about you. I'm going to start revealing truths about myself and I hope people follow suit. We've lost touch with people we used to physically see every day because they won't send us that crop we want on FarmVille. It's ridiculous. I urge everyone to be true to themselves no matter how they feel others will react. If it's anything other than accepting, you don't need that person in your life. I keep my essence to myself and then wonder why people don't know me. It's my own fault. Show everyone who you are. Don't be afraid.